Monday, May 20, 2013


Beginning next week (Memorial Day week) until the end of June, THE WORLD IN STITCHES will only be open on Thursday through Saturday. The hours will be 10AM until 5PM each day.
I will be buzzing back and forth to Minnesota, sharing cheerleading responsibilities with my sister Connie. We will be there encouraging my mother  as she gets a new hip  and is forced to use it. She is 91, so everyone just stop and give this all a great big SIGH!
I will also be dashing off to the TNNA market in Columbus, OH during this time. It's a grand adventure.
I will have access to email if you need MOI: twisinc at comcast dot net
Susan will be running the shop when I am not in town.


What an amazing package awaited me at the PO this morning. It was certainly a GRAND opening!

Keep Calm - 18m -  6 by 8 inches - $54.00

Be Kind - 18m - 11 by 5  -$74

That's it - 18m - 11.75 by 5 - $94

You are the horizon - 18m - 13.5 by 5 - $74

176 Amazing Stitches - $38
Darn Fillings - $34
Great Layers - $42

Go ahead and call the shop ( 978-486-8330 ) to reserve what you want and make arrangements to either have it shipped or pick it up. 

Don't forget that from Memorial Day to the end of June, we will only be open on Thursday through Saturday. My sister and I are taking turns attending to my mother in Minnesota following her hip replacement.