Tuesday, October 15, 2013


When a trunk show from BB Needlepoint  (http://bbneedlepointdesigns.com ) arrives, we receive a boatload of models, all of which are imaginatively stitched. It is a real education to stand here and study them. Being aware that we have readers who can't dash over and enjoy the show first hand, I'm presenting lots of photographs.

We also have a lot of new canvases from her for which there are no stitch guides...as yet. Please feel free to drop me a note at my email if you need a quote on a canvas. Don't forget to click on the images.

You can see that the plumb-bob husband didn't hang this show, so kindly just tip your head to the left five degrees, and ignore the one that is upside down. It looked really good close up, but it has even more character now, n'est pas?

Count on these being here until Nov. 1... and some of them for longer, if we get lucky!!

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